Nearly 1,000 Flawless Professionals!

Who is buying Little Prompters? People like you from all over the world. Nearly 1,000 sold in the first year!

With a map and a whole lot of stickpins, it’s clear to see the Little Prompter has had a HUGE impact! Teachers, Business Professionals, Churches, Charities, and Vloggers around the world are now created flawless online videos! Thank you to those who supported the Little Prompter from the start–and a HUGE THANK YOU those of you who have purchased one of our lightweight and versatile teleprompters for your own videos! May you–and the Little Prompter–have a FLAWLESS 2019! –dann

The British are coming! (And they like the Little Prompter.)

Josh Hicks is a camera guru.  I’ve never met him, but I’ve now seen some of his tech reviews and he’s a bright and talented guy.  He unboxes, demonstrates, reviews, modifies, and uses, the Little Prompter in about 8 minutes.  If you’re a video pro and debating about a teleprompter for under $200, you gotta watch his review.

Josh Hicks Reviews the Little Prompter
Josh gives the Little Prompter a thorough test run, and raves about it.

(Note:  The Little Prompter does work well with any pro and pro-sumer camera–even if the weight shifts backwards a little–but this gave Josh a chance to highlight his impressive 3D design skills.)



Santa Approved?!

Santa is often one of the first to discover great gifts–and this year is no exception! Santa ordered up a Little Prompter!  Even better . . . he gave it a 5 star review on Amazon!  He wrote a a number of nice things, including:  I’ve been creating Videos from Santa since 2007, and I’ve tried everything I could think of to make them better and produce them faster . . . in less than 5 minutes, the Little Prompter took me from 11 years as an amateur to a real professional.”  For the rest of Santa’s great review–and for several more, visit Amazon, and click on those 5 Stars.

Santa Ed Amazon Review

Who should be on camera in your Instructional Video?

Effective instructional videos can vary in style.  This short video, inspired by an Arizona State University study, reveals preferences and effectiveness in two different styles:

  1. Should you teach to the camera/viewer or
  2. Should you teach a student who is also on camera and film that interaction?

This video featuring Dann Hurlbert, Carleton College’s Media & Design Guru succinctly recaps a 2018 study from ASU’s Katelyn M Cooper, Lu Ding, Michelle Stephens, Michelene T. H. Chi, and Sara E Brownell.  And, you bet, Dann used a Little Prompter to ensure a flawless delivery.

*this blog post was originally posted on Carleton College’s Academic Technology Blog

Inside Higher Ed: Creating Effective Videos

Inside Higher Education Tip
Salena Rabidoux’s and Amy Rottman’s article says it perfectly.

Here’s a good Inside Higher Ed article by Salena Rabidoux and Amy Rottman with some good tips about creating good instructional videos.  (The statistics I’ve seen favor an even shorter duration than they recommend, but I like that they’re suggesting to keep it short!)


Instructional Videos: Keep it Short.

Knowing that viewership drops off dramatically in the first few seconds in most videos, instructors need to be direct, engaging, and concise.  Here’s how…in just 60 seconds.

This was originally posted in 2018, but its value is really important for anyone creating online content.

The 60 Second Instructional Video from Carleton Academic Technology.